Meet Dr. Timothy B. Eckel



I graduated from Drexel University in 1972 where I received my undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering while obtaining my premedical training.  From there I went to Temple University Medical School where I received my medical degree in 1976.   I finished a three year family practice residency at Geisinger Medical Center in July 1979 and then opened my office here in Danville shortly thereafter.  I have been certified/recertified five times by the American Board of Family Medicine and have been made a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians.

My wife Bette and I grew up together in the Philadelphia area.  We have five children and seven wonderful grandchildren.  I believe in Biblical Christianity and as a result my priorities in life are serving God, family and then my practice, in that order.   I need to have time for myself and my family and yet I want to be available for your medical needs.

I am active in the Academy of Family Physicians at both the national and state levels; the Christian Medical Society; the Pennsylvania Medical Society, and the American Medical Association.


I love the Practice of Family Medicine and enjoy taking care of people, especially entire families. Thanks for having confidence in us.  If we can be of service to you, please do not hesitate to call us.  Have a great day!


~Timothy B. Eckel, M.D., F.A.A.F.P~


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